池田亮司 @ ギャラリー小柳

池田亮司 @ ギャラリー小柳

2010年11月11日(木)- 12月25日(土)

installation view of Ryoji Ikeda at Gallery Koyanagi, Tokyo, 2010

π, e, ø, (2010), framed 16mm film (binary codes of π, e, ø), 6×93 cm

4’33”, (2010), framed 16mm film (blank with AATON timecode), 89.5×93 cm

0’10”, (2010), ramed Super 16mm film, 19.5×17.2 cm

test pattern [film-5], (2010), framed
Super 16mm film, 92.8×4.4 cm

installation view of Ryoji Ikeda at Gallery Koyanagi, Tokyo, 2010

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