マーサ・ロスラー&ヒト・シュタイエル:War Games @ Kunstmuseum basel

マーサ・ロスラー&ヒト・シュタイエル:War Games
Martha Rosler & Hito Steyerl: War Games

Kunstmuseum basel
Curated by Søren Grammel


Hito SteyerlIs the Museum a Battlefield? (2013)

Martha Rosler Theater of Drones (2013)

Martha Rosler Theater of Drones (2013)

Martha Rosler Theater of Drones (2013)

Martha Rosler Off the Shelf: War and Empire (2008-2018)

Martha Rosler Off the Shelf: War and Empire (2008-2018)

Martha Rosler Off the Shelf: War and Empire (2008-2018)

Hito Steyerl HellYeahWeFuckDie (2016)

Hito Steyerl HellYeahWeFuckDie (2016)

Martha Rosler The Bowery in two inadequate descriptive systems (1974-75)

Hito Steyerl STRIKE (2010)

Hito Steyerl Duty Free Art (2015)

Hito Steyerl Extra Space Craft (2016)

Martha Rosler Reading Hannah Arendt (Politically, for an American in the 21st Century) (2006)

Martha Rosler Reading Hannah Arendt (Politically, for an American in the 21st Century) (2006)

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