Does the Future Sleep Here?――Revisiting the museum’s response to contemporary art after 65 years @ The National Museum of Western Art

Does the Future Sleep Here?――Revisiting the museum’s response to contemporary art after 65 years
March 12 – May 12, 2024
The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo


Installation view, “Does the Future Sleep Here?――Revisiting the museum’s response to contemporary art after 65 years,” The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2024

Koki Tanaka, Addendum: Interview with Childcare Workers (2024)

Hiroshi Sugito, easel (2024) Cement, resin, wood, tile,styrofoam, polypropylene tape and canvas Collection of the artist

Tadayoshi Nakabayashi

Tadayoshi Nakabayashi

Right: Rei Naito, color beginning (2022–2023)

Right: Rei Naito, color beginning (2022–2023)

Hisao Matsuura

Hisao Matsuura

Tsuyoshi Ozawa, Painter F Song (2015) Single-channel video, 12:08 Mori Art Museum, Tokyo

Tsuyoshi Ozawa

Tsuyoshi Ozawa

Nodoka Odawara

Nodoka Odawara

Nodoka Odawara

Rintaro Fuse, Die(ce) Museum Project (2024) Mixed media

Rintaro Fuse, Die(ce) Museum Project (2024) Mixed media

Koki Tanaka, A Few Proposals: For the Infrastructure of Museum(s) (2024)

Koki Tanaka, Proposal to Museum(s) 1 :Display Artworks at Eye Level for Wheelchair Users or Children (2024)

Ryudai Takano

Ryudai Takano

Ryudai Takano

Futoshi Miyagi, Actaeon (2024) Single channel video, color, sound 16 ‘ 11 ” Collection of the artist

Futoshi Miyagi, A Poet, from “When the Spells are Lifted” (2024) Paper, glitter Collection of the artist

Futoshi Miyagi

Yurie Nagashima, Archive of “School of care” : NMWA Version (2024)

Yuki Iiyama, The History and Narratives of This Island and Myself/ Ourselves – Matsukata Kōjirō Collection (2024)

Kanji Yumisashi, You are Precious to me (2023–2024)

Kanji Yumisashi, You are Precious to me (2023–2024)

Kanji Yumisashi, You are Precious to me (2023–2024)

Kanji Yumisashi, You are Precious to me (2023–2024)

Kanji Yumisashi, You are Precious to me (2023–2024)

Kei Takemura, Restored Claude Monet’s Water Lilies (2023–2024) Japanese silk thread and silk organdy Collection of the artist

Elena Tutatchikova, “Walk the Path Along the Thread, Open the Gate Where the Thread Ends (Ways to Walk in a Museum, 1 )” (2023–2024) Video, 6’ 00” Collection of the artist

Elena Tutatchikova, “Ⅰ. “Familiar Faces” Ⅱ. “Murmuring of Time” Ⅲ. “The Weather In the Museum” (2024), Murmurations (2023)

Elena Tutatchikova, “The Path I See Goes Through the Weather” (2023–2024) Ceramic Collection of the artist

Mai Endo, QueerRing (2024) Video Collection of the artist

Parplume (Yoichi Umetsu + Yumi Ando + Asako Hoshikawa + Hitoko Tsuzukibashi + Saki Wakimoto)

Parplume (Yoichi Umetsu + Yumi Ando + Asako Hoshikawa + Hitoko Tsuzukibashi + Saki Wakimoto)

Parplume (Yoichi Umetsu + Yumi Ando + Asako Hoshikawa + Hitoko Tsuzukibashi + Saki Wakimoto)

Parplume (Yoichi Umetsu + Yumi Ando + Asako Hoshikawa + Hitoko Tsuzukibashi + Saki Wakimoto)

Ebosi Yuasa

Installation view, “Does the Future Sleep Here?――Revisiting the museum’s response to contemporary art after 65 years,” The National Museum of Western Art, Tokyo, 2024

Toeko Tatsuno

Hiroshi Sugito

Yoichi Umetsu

Yoichi Umetsu

Natsuko Sakamoto

Natsuko Sakamoto

Natsuko Sakamoto/Yoichi Umetsu, Natsuko Sakamoto

Copyrighted Image