NEWS: Henk Visch Artist Talk with Mami Kataoka

Last Saturday, we had an artist’s talk with Henk Visch and Mami Kataoka (Senior Curator at Mori Art Museum) at the gallery.

Henk spoke about his latest works in detail. When Ms Kataoka suggested that the small figures that frequently appear in his drawings seem to function as a bridge between the world created by the artist’s imagination and the reality in which we live, he agreed. He also noted that he is conscious of the border or the line when making his work: not as the contour lines but the border between existing and not existing , or being visible and invisible.

This subject led to a discussion about his new works at the gallery and how they were displayed with awareness to border, as well as space and mirrors.

It was a very relaxed and pleasant talk, and was a great opportunity for those who came (and including us at the gallery!) to get to know Henk and his work even better.A big thank you to Henk, Ms Kataoka and those who participated!

This exhibition will be up until Saturday, May 22.
Supported by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, Japan

This work by Henk awaits you in front of the gallery.

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