Symposium: Joseph Beuys

Art Tower Mito will hold an international symposium in conjunction with their Joseph Beuys exhibition opening at the end of October. Along with a lecture by the head of Hamburger Bahnhof, Eugen Blume, who has organized a major retrospective of the artist’s works, will be a series of discussions moderated by ICC curator Shikata Yukiko and professor at Tokyo University of the Arts Department of Inter Media Art Kobata Kazue. In another related event, artist Endo Ichiro will stage army crawl performances and workshops.

International symposium: Call Beuys back to the 21st Century!
Sunday 15 November 13:00 – 18:30 (doors open 12:30)
Art Tower Mito Concert Hall

ART iT Pick: 8 Days – Beuys in Japan

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