Symposium: Aqua Metropolis Osaka

Twenty-four artists and researchers partaking in the now underway Aqua Metropolis Osaka 2009 will gather in the city on 22 September for a symposium. Participants including Ou Ning, Tsubaki Noboru, Hirata Oriza, Yanobe Kenji, Yoshimi Shunya and Aqua Metropolis Osaka producer Kitagawa Fram will devote the day to keynote speeches, presentations and discussing topics such as revitalizing Osaka as a city of water, community building and culture.

Aqua Metropolis Osaka 2009 Commemorative Symposium
‘Were We Born to Play?’ The Regeneration of Aqua Metropolis
Tuesday 22 September, 10:00-18:00
Rihga Royal Hotel (Osaka)
Admission: ¥1,000 (300 seats)

ART iT News: ‘Lucky Dragon’ Cruise with Yanobe Kenji
ART iT News: Aqua Metropolis Osaka 2009 launched
ART iT Interview: Kitagawa Fram
ART iT Blog: Tsubaki Noboru
ART iT Blog: Ou Ning

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