The Bloomberg pavilion project third | Qosmo/ techno handicrafts department

The third Bloomberg pavilion project Qosmo/ techno handicrafts department

I perform the workshop + display that combined the electronic work and handicrafts by the techno handicrafts department (I estimate it at refuse and Kyoko + Yoshida) with installation of Qosmo. The sound with 2 units which are active in a different domain, a picture, the expression of the art object are developed in the pavilion space.

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(U) You by Qosmo

A cell-phone is coming to symbolize the owner now so that it is said, “the pet resembles an owner”. I have a big influence on the daily life that a thing called “a smartphone” of the top-heaviness not to be flexible handed while I am superior in a memory, and anything hears that the owner says.
They will continue retaining an afterimage of the identity of the ex-owner even if a person has disappeared from this world. Through the cell-phone which I usually use casually, I will look in our unconscious world reflected in the world that is digital.

You ©Qosmo 2012

The artist / researcher group consisting of three Japan and the United States with a different background. I put a variety of media together from a computer, a cell-phone to a building, outfitting and consider the possibility of new expression. The unit by the American アレキザンダー leader resident in Tokui orthotropy, 澤井妙治 and Tokyo.
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Techno handicrafts department “digital”

A techno handicrafts moiety is the art unit which continues being active by Fumi with refuse and Yoshida, also known as today from 2008. I name the expression that put handicrafts material having rich matter to appeal to “high technology” and the feel such as an electronic intelligence technique and the new material, tex tea on top of one another “techno handicrafts region” and wrestle for a workshop and work production.
I perform the installation display that can experience “digital” which a techno handicrafts department thinks about by the book exhibition.

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The third Bloomberg pavilion project Qosmo/ techno handicrafts department
A session: February 4, 2012 [soil] ー March 4 [day] closure day = Monday (in the case of a holiday, follow the schedule of a )* or other art museum closure day, the display substitute period the next day.)
Opening time = from 10:00 to 18:00
Meeting place = Tokyo Museum of Contemporary Art public plaza 

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