Launch of the PRIX EMILE HERMES 2016

2016: call for projects on the theme ‘PLAY’

Since its creation in 2007, the Prix Emile Hermes has invited ground-breaking, innovative, original entries on a specified theme, from young designers around the world, exploring and responding to changes in the way we live now.

The theme for the fourth edition of the award is ‘Play’.
Play is universal – a rewarding, civilising, socialising activity, and a force for transcultural learning and discovery. Play affords opportunities for constructive experimentation across all forms, supports and devices.
The 17th-century mathematician Leibniz saw play as a way of understanding and perfecting ‘the art of invention’. In the 20th century, designers such as Bruno Munari and Enzo Mari made play a particular focus of their work, highlighting its role as a vector for social bonding, free thinking and creativity.
Responding to the Foundation’s call for projects, emerging design talents are invited to focus on the role of imagination and ‘open-ended’ devices or scenarios in game-play; at the same time, entries will take account of the theme’s wide-ranging societal and environmental implications.
Now awarded biennially, the Prix Émile Hermès welcomes projects whose core values reflect the Foundation’s mission to promote dialogue and exchange between the worlds of artisanship and the contemporary creative arts.

> For the complete theme and further information, visit:

From September 1, 2015 to November 16, 2015
Registration and submission of entries online at, until noon on November 16, 2015 (CET/Paris time).

December 2015
Jury meets to select the shortlisted entries.

From January 1 to March 31, 2016
Production of prototypes for the shortlisted projects, financed by the Fondation d’entreprise Hermès to an overall maximum of 8,000 €.

May 2016
Jury meets to select the three winning entries.

June 2016
Announcement and award ceremony, in Paris.
International : from 01/06/2015 to 30/06/2016

French designer matali crasset is the jury president for the 4th edition of the Prix Émile Hermès.


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