New stage work by Ameya Norimizu

Artist Ameya Norimizu’s staging of Sannin iru! (Three people here!), a remake of the work performed in 2007 by the theatre troupe Tokyo Deathclock, begins its twelve-day run on 31 July.

Ameya Norimizu has been involved in theatre since his teens. He was a member of Kara Juro’s Jokyo-gekijo (Situation Theatre) and formed his own theatre troupe in the 1980s. In the 1990s, with Röntgenwerke as his base, he launched his visual art practice, producing works involving the physical body with themes the likes of blood, fungus, and artificial insemination. He stopped working for a period after participating in the 1995 Venice Biennale, resuming in 2005.

Sannin iru!
Written by Tada Junnosuke
Staged and directed by Ameya Norimizu
Planned and produced by Littlemore Chika 
31 July – 12 August
Littlemore Chika
Tickets: 2800 yen (bought in advance) / 3,000yen (at the door)

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