HMoCA shows proposal winners

A competition launched in 2008 by the Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art as a platform for fostering young talent in which the winners stage an exhibition at the museum. Acting as special judges this year were artist Ozawa Tsuyoshi and the comedian duo Ungirls originally from Hiroshima. From among 80 applications received, the Ozawa Tsuyosi Award went to Bangladesh-born Firoz Mahmud for his Rescued Stardom and the Ungirls Award to Ishikawa Kazuharu for WE ALIVE!. These and six other shortlisted works will be exhibited this month at the museum.

10 -25 October
Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art

ART iT News: HMoCA calling for artworks & exhibition plans
ART iT Snapshots: Another Ozawa @ Ota Fine Arts

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