Two days of Malaysian video art in Tokyo

Nur Hanim Khairuddin   seRANGga   2005

Malaysia is a home to myriad ethnic groups, languages, and religions. The Japan-Malaysia Video Art Exchange Program explores recent directions in Malaysian documentary films, and in the country’s video art, which is still in the early stages of development. As well as screening works on video by artists from Japan and Malaysia, the jam-packed two-day program will include joint live performances by a number of the featured artists, and presentations by five of the artists visiting from Malaysia. Plans are afoot to take the project to Fukuoka, with a follow-up gathering of artists in Malaysia next year.

Japan-Malaysia Video Art Exchange Program
2 October 16:30-21:00, 3 October 13:00-19:00
Roppongi Stripe’s Space
Admission: 1000 yen
Organizer: Spread Videoart Project2

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