Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo is opened in the clearness Shirakawa area; and more than 20 years. I grew up with the town which changed rapidly. In clearness Shirakawa, it is now in the scenery of the history of Fukagawa from the Edo era and the good old downtown area and the up-and-coming area where a base of the creative, new culture dispatch is mixed. “An MOT satellite” is an attempt digging up the charm of the town while a closed art museum going out, and being concerned with artists and a neighborhood base, inhabitants with a place and a person, memory and a history.
[MOT satellite]
Session | | hosted on February 11, 2017 (soil, celebration) for -3 20 days a month on Monday (holiday) Tokyo, Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, arts council Tokyo (Tokyo history culture foundation) meeting place | Each place of the clearness Shirakawa area
Inquiry | 03-5245-4111 (main) / 03-5777-8600 (hello dial)
Wednesday, November 9, 2016 18:30 – kickoff event decision!
As a kickoff event of “the MOT satellite”, I hold the public meeting to talk about the present, the future in the past of charm of clear Shirakawa and this town with a guest. I describe it, and how may the art change “a town?” Please participate.
| Public meeting |
What is Part 1 “MOT satellite?”
Part 2 talk “will tell all about charm of clear Shirakawa!”
| Part 2 guest | (the order of the kana syllabary)
Kasagi Hideki (mi-ri meter: an architect)
調大輔 (the clear Shirakawa guide / “Ko talk” sponsorship) Ryo Tokai tree (“Fukagawa fortune for tile” chief editor)
Tatsuya Noro (Fukagawa, Koutou-ku Edo museum deputy manager)
分部登志弘 (Fukagawa museum street mall cooperative’s director)
| Date and time |
Wednesday, November 9 from 18:30 to 20:00 (going to open 18:15)
| Meeting place |
Fukagawa, Koutou-ku Edo museum small theater
※As the meeting place is not Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, please be careful.
〒 135-0021 1-3-28, Shirakawa, Koutou-ku, Tokyo Fukagawa, Koutou-ku Edo museum html
| Capacity |
Around 200 (the first arrival) anyone can participate.
| Entrance fee |
Free of charge
| Meeting place cooperation |
Fukagawa, Koutou-ku Edo museum
| Inquiry |
03-5245-4111 (main) / 03-5777-8600 (hello dial)
The details such as guest brief career histories html