Lecture by Keiko Nakamura

Lcture by Keiko Nakamura
From Hara Museum, Tokyo

Keiko Nakamura (Director General, JT Bio-history Research Hall), who has been an acquaintance of the artist Jae-Eun Choi, talked about Choi’s work from the perspective of bio-history, focusing on the relationship between trees and mankind, on October 31 as an event related to the exhibition “Jae-Eun Choi—Forests of Asoka.”

“Biohistory” is a term coined by Nakamura, which refers to the “creation of a comprehensive intellect based upon biology and new perspectives on the relationship between science and society.” (cited from the website of the Biohistory Research Hall) Choi, who has been creating works on the theme of life and nature, has been a long time supporter of Nakamura’s approach to nature. Nakamura, on the other hand, has been deeply impressed by Choi’s work and her relationship with nature. Their dialogue is introduced in Nakamura’s book “Genome no miru yume” (Dreams by Genome/ published from Seidosha. In Japanese only), which is available at the Hara Museum’s The Museum Shop (Tel: 03-3445-2069).

Drawing of the “Biohistory”
Original idea by Keiko Nakamura with consultation of Marina Dan. Drawing by Ritsuko Hashimoto.

For those who missed the lecture, you can find her essay in the Jae-Eun Choi exhibition catalogue also available at The Museum Shop.

Keiko Nakamura

Snapshot of the lecture

The exhibition, “Jae-Ein Choi—Forests of Asoka” is on view until Sunday, December 26.

For further information on Biohistory, please visit the website of JT Biohistory Research Hall at http://www.brh.co.jp/ (in Japanese and English)

Jae-Eun Choi—Forests of Asoka
Dates: September 11 (Sat.) – December 26 (Sun.), 2010

VIVA Festival
Dates: November 13 (Sat.) and 14 (Sun.) , 2010
–2-day video screening of 34 works by artists from 16 countries.

BloomBUS! free shuttle bus service is being provided between Shinagawa Station (Takanawa exit) and the Hara Museum every Sunday (Sponsored by: Bloomberg L.P./ Artist: Yasuhiro Suzuki).
For general information, click here.

The Hara Museum has started Twitter (in Japanese only)


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