Jose Dávila: The Moment of Suspension @ König Galerie

Jose Dávila: The Moment of Suspension
26 OCT 2019 – 9 FEB 2020
König Galerie, Berlin


Jose Dávila, Installation view “The Moment of Suspension”, König Galerie, Berlin, 2020

Jose Dávila, The most famous problem in the history of mathematics is that of squaring the circle V (2019)

Jose Dávila, Fundamental Concern XXVI (2019), Joint Effort (2019)

Jose Dávila, Joint Effort (2019)

Jose Dávila, The Act of Perseverance VII (2019)

Jose Dávila, Mental activity increases the flow of blood to the brain (2019), Despite its strength the backbone can be bent like a bamboo stick (2019)

Jose Dávila, Systems of maximum usefulness (2019)

Jose Dávila, The weaker has conquered the stronger II (2019)

Jose Dávila, The Act of Perseverance VI (2019)

Jose Dávila, The weaker has conquered the stronger II (2019)

Jose Dávila, The weaker has conquered the stronger II (2019)

Jose Dávila, Fundamental Concern XXVII (2019)

Jose Dávila, The Act of Perseverance VII (2019)

Jose Dávila, Installation view “The Moment of Suspension”, König Galerie, Berlin, 2020

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