MAKING HISTORY—By Andrew Maerkle
“I grew up with stories—not from a book, but from a storyteller, my late father. I remember vividly how Dad used to tell stories to all my friends in front of our house. My favorite was the legend about the dowry of the princess of the mountain Gunung Ledang. As a kid, my imagination went completely wild when I heard about the list of impossible conditions that the princess requested as her dowry to the Sultan of Malacca. Can you even imagine?”

Review: Voice of Void by Ho Tzu Nyen

Text: Jung-Yeon Ma
Ho Tzu Nyen’s solo exhibition “Voice of Void” was presented at the Yamaguchi Center for Arts and Media [YCAM] from April 3 to July 4, 2021. At the beginning of the talk with the artist and the production team held at the opening of the exhibition, the question was posed: “Why the Kyoto School now?” …

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