Kyun-Chome: The color of the soul is blue
October 7 – December 17, 2023
Kurobe City Museum of Art, Niigataキュンチョメ個展%e3%80%80魂の色は青/
Curator: Chikako Shakudo (Curator, Kurobe City Art Museum)
Kyun-Chome, A Stone That Fits a Belly Button (2023)
Kyun-Chome, Floating with Sighs (2022)
Kyun-Chome, Don’t die. (2023), Be happy. (2023), May the sea remain blue. (2023)
Kyun-Chome, Crossing the Ocean with a Goldfish (2022)
Kyun-Chome, Prayers Dissolved in the Sea (2022-2023)
Kyun-Chome, Prayers Dissolved in the Sea (2022-2023)
Kyun-Chome, Prayers Dissolved in the Sea (2022-2023)
Kyun-Chome, Ambiguous landmarks (2022)
Kyun-Chome, Ambiguous landmarks (2022)
Kyun-Chome, Ambiguous landmarks (2022)
Kyun-Chome, All Living Things are Breathing Now (2023)
Kyun-Chome, Walking with a drop of the sea (2023)
Kyun-Chome, Laundry Museum (2022-2023)
Kyun-Chome, Laundry Museum (2022-2023)